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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

Welcome To Shorties Disposable Brand Bringing To Thc Lovers Vaping With Perfection And Easy Delivery. We Provide Delivery Service Fee Within $30-$40 For Customers Orders.

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

Shorties Disposable For Sale

At Shorties Brand We Accept Digital Payment Methods Like Cashapp, Zelle, Bitcoin, Apple Pay. Buy Shorties Carts Online Safe With Us.

How long will delivery take?

Welcome To Shorties Disposable Brand A Vape Dispensary Bringing The Best Delivery Service To Our Customers. We Offer Secure Discrete Delivery Which Ranges Within 1-2 Days For Express Delivery And 3-4 Business Days For All International Delivery And Regular Priority Mail. We Make Sure We Used Legit Delivery Logistics Like Fedex, EMS, Usps, Ups To Secure Safe Landing For Your Shorties Carts.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

We Do Make Sure Shopping With Us Is Safe And Our Clients Information Are Private As We Do Not Keep Any Data Or Information About Our Customers For Safety Measures.

What exactly happens after ordering?

We Have A Fast Customer Support. We Do Make Sure 24 Hours After Order Is Received We Provide Our Clients With A Tracking Confirmation After Purchase Is Made.

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